Over 80 Projects in Motion at Netflix Games
Netflix's gaming division is thriving, with over 80 games currently in development. This follows the successful launch of over 100 titles. Co-CEO Gregory K. Peters recently revealed these figures during an earnings call, highlighting Netflix's strategic focus on leveraging its existing IP. Expect to see more games connected to popular Netflix shows, encouraging viewers to seamlessly transition between screen and controller.
Another key area of growth is narrative-driven games, spearheaded by the Netflix Stories hub. Peters announced plans to launch at least one new Netflix Story game per month, further solidifying this initiative.
Mobile Gaming Remains Unchanged
Netflix Games overcame early challenges related to low visibility. Initial concerns about potential setbacks, such as a shift to advertising-supported games, have proven unfounded. Netflix continues to invest heavily in its gaming platform, contributing to the overall growth of the streaming service.
For a comprehensive overview of currently available games, explore our curated list of the top ten Netflix Games titles. And if you're seeking broader mobile gaming options, check out our ranking of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far).
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