Home News > How to Complete the Impossible Girl Challenge in BitLife

How to Complete the Impossible Girl Challenge in BitLife

by Gabriella Mar 17,2025

Embark on a thrilling *BitLife* challenge inspired by the iconic *Doctor Who*! This week's "Impossible Girl" challenge presents a series of seemingly unrelated tasks, but fear not, we've got the guide to conquer them all.

Impossible Girl Challenge Walkthrough

The Tasks:

  • Be born female in the United Kingdom
  • Become best friends with a doctor
  • Become a baker
  • Rob a bank
  • Murder a boyfriend

Be Born a Female in the United Kingdom

Begin a new custom life, selecting "Female" for your gender and "United Kingdom" as your birthplace. Choose any specific location within the UK. If you own the Job Packs, consider selecting the Crime Special Talent for an advantage later.

Become Best Friends with a Doctor

Befriend many people throughout school and maintain those friendships. As you progress through university and beyond, regularly check if any friends have become doctors and select the option to become best friends with them. Alternatively, pursue a medical career in college, befriend doctor colleagues, and become best friends with one. Note that this task involves some randomness; it may require several attempts.

Become a Baker

BitLife Baker Jobs
Screenshot by The Escapist
Find a baker position in the full-time job listings and answer the application question. This job isn't always available, so check regularly. Any type of baker role fulfills this task.

Rob a Bank

This is where the Crime Special Talent (from Job Packs) and Get Out of Jail Free Card prove invaluable. Navigate to Activities > Crime > Rob a Bank and select your details. There's an element of chance; you might get arrested. Robbing a bank is generally easier than robbing a train, as train schedules aren't a factor. Prioritize completing the doctor and baker tasks first.

Murder a Boyfriend

BitLife Strangle Them Murder Option
Screenshot by The Escapist
This task should also be tackled last. First, obtain a boyfriend via Activities > Love > Date. Then, proceed to Activities > Crime > Murder, selecting your boyfriend as the victim and your preferred method. More brutal methods often yield higher success rates, but the Assassin's Blade (if available) also works.

Congratulations! You've now completed the Impossible Girl Challenge in *BitLife*. While not the most difficult challenge, the random elements add a layer of complexity.