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How To Farm Bento Boxes Fast in Destiny 2

by Zoey Mar 29,2025

The latest event in *Destiny 2*, Past Is Prologue, is here, and it’s packed with exciting rewards. To unlock all these goodies, players need to get their hands on a special in-game item called Bento Boxes. Here’s your guide to farming Bento Boxes quickly in *Destiny 2*.

How to Get Bento Boxes in Destiny 2

Past Is Prologue introduces a unique twist to *Destiny 2* events. To participate, you'll need to earn Bento Tokens, with each account able to collect up to eight. The journey begins with the Drifter, who offers quests that you must complete to earn these tokens. Here’s a detailed rundown of all the Bento Token quests in *Destiny 2*, courtesy of Profane Gaming:

  • A Dubious Bento: Collect 10 Dubious Celery from defeated targets in Gambit and 10 Century Eggs from defeated combatants on the Moon.
  • Dredgens of Yore: Achieve 50 Guardian final blows in Crucible or Gambit. Final blows in Gambit and with Hand Cannons grant additional progress.
  • Martial Mementos: Secure 200 final blows using Malfeasance, Touch of Malice, Whisper of the Worm, Xenophage, or Arbalest.
  • Nightmare Kills: Defeat 3 Nightmare bosses and challenging combatants.
  • Nightmare Lunch: Complete 60 activities on the Moon, with bonus progress for Nightmare Hunts.
  • Snakebite: Achieve 200 final blows with Gambit weapons.
  • The Stuff of Legends: Finish 2 final encounters in any raid or dungeon, with raids providing additional progress.

After completing each quest, head to Eris on the Moon to claim your Bento Token. It's a small step towards unlocking the plethora of rewards offered during the Past Is Prologue event.

Related: All 2025 Festival of the Lost Skins and How To Vote for Them in Destiny 2

What to Spend Bento Boxes on in Destiny 2

Bento Token rewards in Destiny 2. Your hard work will pay off once you've collected all your Bento Tokens. With more than eight rewards to choose from, you'll need to be strategic about what to spend them on. Below is a comprehensive list of items you can unlock with your Bento Tokens in *Destiny 2*:


ItemAmountBento Token Cost
Ascendant Alloy21
Ascendant Shard21
Exotic Cipher11
Spoils of Conquest25 (Max 3)1


ItemAmountBento Token Cost
Gambit Memento11
Vanguard Memento11
Iron Banner Memento11
Festival of the Lost Memento11
Dawning Memento11
Guardian Games Memento11
Solstice Memento11

Weapons and Armor

ItemAmountBento Token Cost
Cataphract GL3 (Adept)11
Igneous Hammer (Adept)11
Horror’s Least (Adept)11
Hunter Artifice Armor12
Titan Artifice Armor12
Warlock Artifice Armor12

There’s an additional bonus for those who spend five Bento Tokens: the elusive Chatterwhite Shader. With the Past Is Prologue event running for just two weeks, there's no time to lose.

And that’s how to farm Bento Boxes fast in *Destiny 2*. If you’re eager for more, check out how to get the Slayer’s Fang shotgun.

Destiny 2 is available to play on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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