Home News > Pokemon Fan Shows Off Terrifying Miniature of Gengar

Pokemon Fan Shows Off Terrifying Miniature of Gengar

by Caleb Dec 21,2024

Pokemon Fan Shows Off Terrifying Miniature of Gengar

A Pokemon enthusiast has crafted a truly unsettling Gengar miniature, showcasing exceptional painting skills. While many Pokemon fans adore the franchise's cute creatures, this miniature perfectly captures the appeal of its more frightening characters.

Gengar, a Ghost/Poison-type Pokemon from Generation I, is the final evolution of Gastly, evolving into Haunter at level 25 and then into Gengar through trading (a Mega Evolution was added in Generation VI). Its iconic design makes it one of the most popular Ghost-type Pokemon.

HoldMyGranade, the artist, shared their terrifying Gengar miniature online. The miniature depicts a monstrous Gengar with menacing red eyes, sharp teeth, and a long, protruding tongue, a far cry from the official, less intimidating portrayal. HoldMyGranade, who purchased the unpainted miniature, painstakingly painted it, resulting in a striking and detailed piece that garnered over 1,100 upvotes on r/pokemon. The artist's color choices add significant depth to the miniature's monstrous appearance.

A Gallery of Pokemon Fan Art

The Pokemon community is renowned for its artistic talent, spanning various mediums. Examples include a remarkable 3D-printed and painted Hisuian Growlithe miniature that resembled both the Pokemon and a real dog, a crocheted Eternatus doll that surprisingly appeared cute despite the Pokemon's fearsome nature, and a meticulously carved wooden Tauros figurine. These creations demonstrate the breadth of creativity and skill within the Pokemon fanbase.

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