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Pokémon Go Unveils Dynamax for Max Out Event

by Carter Feb 08,2025

Pokémon GO's Max Out Season: Dynamax Pokémon Arrive!

Get ready for gigantic Pokémon battles! Pokémon GO has officially announced the arrival of Dynamax Pokémon in its upcoming Max Out season. This exciting new feature will transform your gameplay.

Pokémon Go Dynamax Confirmed for Max Out Season

Max Out Season: September 10th - September 15th

The Max Out season kicks off September 10th at 10:00 a.m. local time and runs until September 15th at 8:00 p.m. local time. Prepare for a week of oversized Pokémon encounters and special events!

Pokémon Go Dynamax Confirmed for Max Out Season

Initial Dynamax Pokémon and Events:

The season's launch will feature 1-star Max Battles with Dynamax versions of Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet, and Wooloo. Catch these powerful Pokémon, including shiny variants! Their evolved forms will also be Dynamax-capable. Expect special Field Research tasks and PokéStop Showcases with event-themed rewards.

A special Seasonal Special Research story will also be available from September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. local time to December 3rd, 2024, at 9:59 a.m. local time. Complete Max Battle-focused tasks to earn Max Particles, a new avatar item, and more.

Pokémon Go Dynamax Confirmed for Max Out Season

Max Particle Pack and Future Updates:

A Max Particle Pack Bundle (4,800 Max Particles) will be available on the Pokémon GO web store for $7.99 starting September 8th, 6:00 p.m. PDT. These particles are crucial for Dynamax battles.

Rumors point towards the introduction of Power Spots next month, serving as key locations for Max Battles and Max Particle collection. While unconfirmed by Niantic, the speculation is intriguing.

Pokémon GO's senior producer, John Funtanilla, hinted at some Dynamax Pokémon also having Mega Evolution capabilities. However, information on Gigantamax Pokémon remains scarce, despite previous teases. Niantic promises further details on Dynamax battles soon.