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  • All Mavuika Materials, Kit, and Constellations in Genshin Impact

    ​Genshin Impact Welcomes Mavuika, the Pyro Archon! HoYoverse has confirmed the fiery 5-star Pyro Archon, Mavuika, as the next playable character in Genshin Impact. First glimpsed in Natlan's teaser trailer, she's set to ignite the game upon her arrival. This guide covers her release date, required

    Jan 01,2025 0
  • Blade Shift DLC Update Stirs Controversy

    ​Stellar Blade's latest update, 1.009, introduces highly anticipated features alongside frustrating bugs. The update includes a Photo Mode and NieR: Automata DLC, but has also caused game-breaking glitches for some players. Game-Breaking Bugs and the Hotfix Players are reporting softlocks during a

    Jan 01,2025 0
  • PDX CEO Regrets ‘Life by You’ Shutdown

    ​Paradox Interactive CEO admits strategic errors, highlighting Life by You cancellation Paradox Interactive's CEO, Fredrik Wester, acknowledged missteps in recent company decisions, notably the cancellation of the life simulation game, Life by You. This admission came during the company's July 25th

    Jan 01,2025 6
  • Seven Knights Idle Adventure to collaborate with hit anime series Shangri-La Frontier

    ​Netmarble's popular idle-RPG, Seven Knights Idle Adventure, is teaming up with the anime sensation Shangri-La Frontier for a limited-time crossover event! This exciting collaboration introduces three new playable characters from the anime, along with a host of new rewards. Shangri-La Frontier follo

    Jan 01,2025 2
  • HBADA E3 Ergonomic Gaming Chair - Oozes Professionalism

    ​The HBADA E3 Ergonomic Gaming Chair: A Gamer's Dream? Droid Gamers recently reviewed this chair, and it's impressed. Currently boasting significant discounts on Amazon and the official HBADA website, this chair stands out for its ergonomics, professional design, and technological innovation. HBADA

    Jan 01,2025 1
  • Dragon Takers: Unlock Foe's Abilities Now on Android

    ​KEMCO's latest RPG adventure, Dragon Takers, has arrived on Android! This classic-style fantasy RPG is a must-play for fans of the genre. Read on to discover more. Dragon Takers: A Realm Engulfed in Chaos The Dragon Army, led by the formidable Drake Emperor Tiberius, is at the heart of the narrative

    Jan 01,2025 4
  • Kash: Earn Income with Play-to-Earn Gaming

    ​Kash: Your Play-to-Earn Paradise! Turn your passion into profit with Kash, the exciting GPT platform offering diverse ways to earn real cash or gift cards. Dive into a world of fun and rewards! What is Kash? Kash.gg is a free GPT site where you earn by playing games, completing surveys, downloadin

    Jan 01,2025 1
  • Sonic Rumble, Rovio\'s first foray into the Sonicverse, opens pre-registration for iOS and Android

    ​Get ready for Sonic Rumble, the upcoming 32-player battle royale game now open for pre-registration on Android, iOS, and PC! Developed by Rovio (the creators of Angry Birds) and published by Sega, this game marks a significant mobile entry for the iconic blue hedgehog. Prepare for fast-paced, Fall G

    Jan 01,2025 1
  • Rare Birds Take Flight in Captivating New Idle RPG

    ​Loongcheer Games presents Birdman Go!, a charming new idle RPG for Android. This relaxing game lets you collect and battle a diverse roster of avian heroes. Intrigued? Read on! Avian Adventures Abound! Birdman Go! features a vibrant world populated by over 60 unique bird characters, each belonging

    Jan 01,2025 0
  • Persona 5: Phantom X Playtest Leaks on SteamDB

    ​期待已久的《女神异闻录5:幻影异闻录 X》(P5X)近日在SteamDB数据库中现身,引发了全球玩家对国际服上线的热烈猜测。 SteamDB 上的 P5X 测试版页面引发全球发行猜测 2024年10月15日,P5X 测试版上线 SteamDB 人气游戏数据库网站SteamDB 近日出现了《女神异闻录5:幻影异闻录 X》(P5X)的条目,这使得PC版全球发行的传闻甚嚣尘上。虽然这款游戏自今年4月在中国、台湾、香港、澳门和韩国等亚洲地区推出以来,已经积累了一定的玩家基础,但SteamDB 的列表并不一定意味着即将在全球范围内推出。 名为“PERSONA5 THE PHANTOM X Playt

    Jan 01,2025 0